Nancy Kay Peterson Addiction Even as I know tonight’s whiskey will color tomorrow’s promise, I pour one more. In keeping with your admonition to keep it brief, Nancy Kay Peterson ( is a poet.
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María Castro Dominguez “Llenar un espacio en blanco en un formulario”
María Castro Domínguez Llenar un espacio en blanco en un formulario Viuda, huérfana, viudo, sin padres sin palabras para una madre que ha perdido su hija para un padre que ha perdido su hijo cómo llenar el formulario tan vasto tan vacío. Filling a blank space in a form Widow, orphan, widower, unparented no word […]
Read MoreMaría Castro Dominguez “Madre”
María Castro Domínguez Madre Reflejo su rostro mandíbulas fuertes, pómulos que duelen pero ella huele a especies, más morena más alta más ancha que yo, ella trata de convertirme en una miniatura el verticilo, la pepita que perdió al nacer cuando yo empecé. Mother I mirror her face, strong jaws cheek bones that hurt but […]
Read MoreLynn Aprill “In the Schoolhouse”
Lynn Aprill In the Schoolhouse A summer bee bumbles through the window as we sit, a one-room Sunday school, in the schoolhouse where my father stood with his cousin-best-friend and stared hard at the camera, tough at ten, in the schoolhouse where my grandfather learned 8th grade arithmetic, then left to start his life as […]
Read MoreMary Armao McCarthy “Times”
Mary Armao McCarthy Times I stood in a pool of time waiting for the days to evaporate, and when they had I could not remember the feel of the water. Mary Armao McCarthy is a writer and past president of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild whose work has been scattered through print and online publications […]
Read MoreRobert Witmer “An Old Monk”
Robert Witmer An Old Monk His straw hat is the full moon rounding the world with his bamboo flute. Robert Witmer, a longtime resident of Japan, is a partially retired professor and poet, who combines a love of family and verse with a passion for petanque and the great outdoors.
Read MoreRebecca Cohen “Love and Laundry”
Rebecca Cohen Love and Laundry A profound futility, infinite and smothering, piled and shoved in every corner of my being, eternally unfolded. Rebecca Cohen is a researcher and toddler wrangler in Austin, TX.
Read MoreJ.I. Kleinberg “It’s open”
J.I. Kleinberg It’s open scrawled in pencil on a scrap of paper stuck in the jamb and I understood you meant your heart. Three-time nominee for Pushcart and Best of the Net awards, artist, poet, and freelance writer J.I. Kleinberg makes poems in verdant Bellingham, Washington, and can be found on Instagram @jikleinberg.
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