Here’s how your privacy pertains to your participation in One Sentence Poems. Or vice versa.

The website is built with WordPress.

We understand that WordPress collects cookies when visitors LOG-IN to a WordPress site. At One Sentence Poems, visitors do not log-in and authors do not log-in. You are simply viewing content. We cannot guarantee that no one will know you have visited the website. One Sentence Poems does not collect any information on visitors.

We ask authors to subscribe to our mailing list.

Our subscriber list is stored on a secure server. One Sentence Poems doesn’t, under any circumstances, sell this list, market to the list, or share the list with any other party. The list “manager” is Dale Wisely, who co-edits, Right Hand Pointing, White Knuckle Press, and One Sentence Poems. Dale is the only person who sends out information to subscribers. A typical email goes out monthly, announcing new publications by any or all of these three publications. We occasionally also include a call for submissions in that email. In the course of one calendar year, perhaps another six emails may be sent out, typically a Call for Submission.


We have a Facebook page.

As an alternative or in addition to subscribing to our MailChimp list, we invite visitors to join our Facebook page. Facebook’s privacy policy is here. We figure their lawyers made one to three zillion dollars crafting it. One Sentence Poems has no lawyers. Also no money.

Please contact us with any questions about privacy at