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Natalie Wolf

George Salamon “Last Look”

George Salamon Last Look The cancer had taken her life, and as I left her hospital room’ I turned around, one more time to look at her, and I saw what was no longer there. George Salamon lives in St. Louis, MO, which is struggling to regain its “happy days are here again” mood.   […]

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Jon Densford “Last Sip”

Jon Densford Last Sip After the final sip of that last morning’s meticulous pourover, he proceeded outside to pick his last day’s okra but felt like lying down in the grass instead and watched the slowly circling Kite with stiffly pointed angel wings swoop low across the setting moon and closed his tethered eyes at […]

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Claire Bateman “The Coffeyville Hailstone: Kansas, 1970”

Claire Bateman The Coffeyville Hailstone: Kansas, 1970 Unparalleled in weight and size, it also broke the world record for speed, arriving at 105 miles per hour, yet state troopers still sit in parked patrol cars, aiming their radar guns at heaven. Claire Bateman is an aficionado of extreme forms of precipitation.    

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Steve Klepetar “Touching the Cactus with a Gentle Hand”

Steve Klepetar Touching the Cactus with a Gentle Hand My father worries that our fingers will bleed, that we lack the sense to come home, but of course that’s the whole point, to wander in our sorrow until the beaches disappear. Steve Klepetar has been named an alternate runner up for the reading Olympics.   […]

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Steve Klepetar “My Mother Tried to Sing”

Steve Klepetar My Mother Tried to  Sing She had become a harpy or a hurricane, her windows rattling as we watched the sound thicken, and threaten and wail. Steve Klepetar has been named an alternate runner up for the reading Olympics.    

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Roo Black “Weird Things Can Happen After Midnight”

Roo Black Weird Things Can Happen After Midnight such as cow tipping, Korean movies, waning moons, dreams that he’s alive again, pillow spooning, car chases, deadlines, and it’s all fair game. Roo Black is a creative soul. Enough said.    

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Roo Black “Cremation”

Roo Black Cremation When I went to pick up his ashes a service was being held for someone else, someone I didn’t know, and a young girl was playing Amazing Grace on bagpipes, and the sound of it broke me, and the gentle funeral director who reminded me of David Wallace on The Office gave […]

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