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Howie Good

Howie Good: “Another Word For It”

Howie Good Another Word For It A naked woman, pollen caught in her fuzzy triangle, stands atop a heap of broken stones in a strange pose, & it’s impossible when looking up at her not to imagine some prior tragedy in a crowded street or to speak without whispering, even if no one is there […]

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Howie Good “The Shadow Aspect”

Howie Good The Shadow Aspect They found her still holding the knife, as there wasn’t room in her head for one thing more, not even a small list of natural remedies – ginger for nausea, plantain for colds, rose hips for heartache.   Howie Good co-edits White Knuckle Press with Dale Wisely and has published […]

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Howie Good: Love Makes All Things Strange

Howie Good Love Makes All Things Strange It was as the atom once was a solar system and later a cafeteria straying over a bridge barefoot stuck on the same question occurring simultaneously everywhere like dusk curling inward manifestos and shadows with faces painted-on their ages hard to guess. Howie Good occasionally gets a poem […]

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Howie Good: Splay

Howie Good Splay I almost prefer the beach in winter, no spluttering boats cluttering the outlook & only an occasional slanderous dog loping over the sand ahead of its owner, the ocean seeming, if possible, bigger & the light holier because so much emptier, & even the bent blades of beachgrass rusting along the crestline […]

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