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Steve Klepetar

Steve Klepetar “Who Knows?”

Steve Klepetar Who Knows? If only I remembered my Latin, I could dazzle you with an amazing quote right here about war, and wolves, and bees. Steve Klepetar has never once eaten ice cream for breakfast, but he’d be interested to know which flavor you’d suggest.    

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Steve Klepetar “All Night I Watched You Burn”

Steve Klepetar All Night I Watched You Burn Your eyes turned turquoise, skin rippled in scarlet waves, but when dawn came, spreading over the sky like silk and glass I saw a body made of trees and light, a river shouting its name to the sea. Steve Klepetar can name the nine Muses and the […]

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Steve Klepetar “Touching the Cactus with a Gentle Hand”

Steve Klepetar Touching the Cactus with a Gentle Hand My father worries that our fingers will bleed, that we lack the sense to come home, but of course that’s the whole point, to wander in our sorrow until the beaches disappear. Steve Klepetar has been named an alternate runner up for the reading Olympics.   […]

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Steve Klepetar “My Mother Tried to Sing”

Steve Klepetar My Mother Tried to  Sing She had become a harpy or a hurricane, her windows rattling as we watched the sound thicken, and threaten and wail. Steve Klepetar has been named an alternate runner up for the reading Olympics.    

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Steve Klepetar “As If”

Steve Klepetar As If a song could occupy a whole room in your mind, so that as you lay sleeping, its verses rolled through your dreams, and you woke to a chorus of birds, whose voices lifted you so high in the air, you could lean to the west, watch the river flow like a […]

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Steve Klepetar “Beyond the Buoys”

Steve Klepetar Beyond the Buoys I knew he was ready to go away, felt him growing thin, his arms lengthening to shadow as he paddled beyond the buoys. Steve Klepetar saw a pyramid in the snow by the red maple outside his front door last year, and hopes to see it again.    

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Steve Klepetar “Summoned Most Graciously”

Steve Klepetar Summoned Most Graciously I’d skip the watermelon for some sliced apple and cheese, maybe a hard boiled egg, half a bagel, strong coffee in the cream colored mugs we like, but yes, I would love to sit naked on the grass, have breakfast with the goddesses and gods. Steve Klepetar saw a pyramid […]

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