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Deonte Osayande

Deonte Osayande “While checking papers I thought of”

Deonte Osayande While checking papers I thought of immigrants await deportation from their loved ones, while we argue over who has better chicken sandwiches, or which rainforest burns the brightest from space and the rich use this fire to keep themselves warm and away from what others are strong enough to face. Deonte Osayande is […]

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Deonte Osayande “Why I Went Back to Short Hair”

Deonte Osayande Why I Went Back to Short Hair My hair grew while mourning, in my skull, sometimes still haunted by it, but the thing about depression, you never get over the doubts, that you shouldn’t be here you just don’t listen to them anymore. Deonte Osayande is a writer from Detroit, who doesn’t remember […]

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Deonte Osayande “Our Gods are Women and They’re Stealing Them”

Deonte Osayande Our Gods are Women and They’re Stealing Them Night, silent but girls, kids become rainforest, endangered species and nobody bothers blinking over their bodies, cast aside like garbage in the ocean. Deonte Osayande is a writer from Detroit, who doesn’t remember how long you’re supposed to wait between submissions.  

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Deonte Osayande “Black Love”

Deonte Osayande On an app dedicated to black love I found more white people than I have ever met in my real life, our own spaces away from this void of whiteness but just like our history, even that will eventually be invaded. Black Love                 Deonte Osayande […]

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Deonte Osayande “Things Left at 18063 Woodingham”

Deonte Osayande Birth certificates, in the safe with the guns, with my slave name diplomas, my broken laptop from years back, notebooks containing years of old love poems that I used to write, mail from over many months ago, innocence and other falsehoods, my sister, and her kids, old photos of childlike versions of me, […]

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Deonte Osayande “Microaggressions”

Deonte Osayande Microaggressions To be told you’re so articulate, to hear how smart you are as if you’re not supposed to be, to be told what you are despite your opinion, to hear a welcome to the performance poetry world instead of just the poetry world, to be told how you’re rare to have come […]

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Deonte Osayande “Awkward”

Deonte Osayande Awkward Walking in on your coach getting replaced is like accidentally stumbling into your parents having an argument about affairs that happened years ago or walking in on your brother masturbating or maybe before all of my memories crumble around me I should just stop stumbling into rooms unannounced. Deonte Osayande is a […]

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