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Tony Press

Tony Press “Old County 14”

Tony Press Old County 14 He’d had another of his nights and was driving back home when he thought he hit something but didn’t stop, of course, because, well, you know Jake, but the next day he told me “I think I hit one of your sheep” and I said “it wasn’t a sheep, it […]

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Tony Press: “The Burning of Red Hill”

Tony Press The Burning of Red Hill David said he had matches, too, so we walked up the trail behind my house, and later, after the fire trucks finally left, everyone blamed him because I was the good boy. Tony Press lives near San Francisco and tries to pay attention.

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Tony Press: “Invisibility”

Tony Press Invisibility From my bench in the old town square, El Zocalo, I enjoy the smiles and sways of the young women but their vision does not include me, so I sip with my memory and ignore any abuelas who might look my way. Tony Press lives near San Francisco and tries to pay […]

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Tony Press: “July in Burlington”

Tony Press July in Burlington The river carries his ashes south and we scatter, too, back to California and Colorado and other corners of Iowa, but really, all the same place. Tony Press lives near San Francisco and tries to pay attention.

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Tony Press: “Not far at all”

Tony Press Not far at all In my little town it is only just around the corner from the teen club on San Bruno to the senior center on Visitación. Tony Press loves reading and writing, the world of One Sentence Poems, and hot chocolate, too.

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Tony Press: “To save my life”

Tony Press To save my life To save my life, I can’t back a car in a straight line, write by hand so anyone can read it, meditate like the others, eat responsibly, crawl into a tunnel or step into a cave, or avoid a flash of fear when I find myself alone. Tony Press lives […]

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