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Steve Klepetar

Steve Klepetar “Winter’s Ghost”

Steve Klepetar Winter’s Ghost Maybe that was what I couldn’t see: a kind of transcendence long ago, two girls on a sofa, holding fire in their palms, waiting for winter’s ghost to finally arrive. Steve Klepetar once ran 70 yards for a touchdown, but there was no videotape back then and he can’t prove it.* […]

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Steve Klepetar: A Meeting (All 5 parts)

Steve Klepetar A Meeting i Because times were bad, I think he came to comfort me on an October day filled with light. ii He had been gone so long into that silent world that his face was gray, his hands wrinkled and cold. iii He spoke softly, and his words rose like smoke in […]

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Steve Klepetar “A Meeting” Part V

Steve Klepetar A Meeting, Part V A few birds twittered in the trees, the small pond glittered in the sun, and together we felt the earth as it stretched a little, yawning like someone who had been up late the night before.   Steve Klepetar is enjoying October in the Berkshires, hanging with ghosts.  

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Steve Klepetar “A Meeting” Part IV

Steve Klepetar A Meeting, Part IV He touched me on the shoulder, smiling sadly, while outside some young men gathered leaves into piles, loaded them into pickup trucks.   Steve Klepetar is enjoying October in the Berkshires, hanging with ghosts.  

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Steve Klepetar “A Meeting” Part I

  We asked for sets of 5 one-sentence poems which tell a story. We’ll run these sets from time-to-time. Here’s part I of our first series. We’ll run the rest this week, one poem per day! Steve Klepetar A Meeting, Part I Because times were bad, I think he came to comfort me on an […]

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