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Howie Good

Howie Good “Head Hearts Hands”

Howie Good Head Hearts Hands And this is how democracy dies – leisurely, with head and hand making wishful gestures while the heart continues frozen inside. Howie Good is the author of THE DEATH ROW SHUFFLE, a poetry collection forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.  

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Howie Good “Birds of a Feather”

Howie Good Birds of a Feather The same blue jay returns throughout the morning to the empty feeder, Howard Hughes watching his favorite movie, Ice Station Zebra,* over and over for years on end. *43% on Rotten Tomatoes Howie Good is only rarely this whimsical.  

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Howie Good “Famous on Facebook”

Howie Good Famous on Facebook So many brilliant friends (1,306) all shouting at the same time, some confessing, others arguing or bragging or retelling jokes, until I think I should, maybe, just give up trying to be heard above the rumble-bumble and go back to what I once knew best, a quiet that was old […]

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Howie Good “Benediction”

Howie Good Benediction Love everything that lives and be fair to all the parts and do not have a hierarchy, but should the uniforms come for you under cover of night eager to convey you into smoke, resolve to become like the drunks who, when sufficiently enraged, can just shrug off the paralyzing effects of […]

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Howie Good “Martyrdom of a Curmudgeon”

Howie Good Martyrdom of a Curmudgeon What a sight it would be, me, with my heart plucked out of my body, still managing somehow to say, “It’s just 11 ounces, you morons,” before feral youth coldly scratch their names and affiliations all over it. Howie Good is the author of most recently of Stick Figure […]

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