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J. R. Solonche

J.R. Solonche “A Pot Without Flowers”

J.R. Solonche A Pot Without Flowers The dirt waits to become soil again, has waited months in the potting shed’s cool dark, and now, in the sun for the first time since November’s failing sun, begins to remember what it’s for, begins to anticipate the spade’s plunge, begins to prepare for the nudging of the […]

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J.R. Solonche “In Front”

J.R. Solonche In Front This is where the shadows look their sexiest, wear their Sunday best, flow in black waves on the green beach of the grass, while the setting sun pulls the pink horizon to its chin and sets up to blow me a red kiss. J.R. Solonche is the author of 32 books […]

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J.R. Solonche “On the Passing of Charles Simic”

J.R. Solonche On the Passing of Charles Simic You said poets can write on anything, a toothpick, a rat on the subways tracks, a fork, but, Charles, Charles, I can’t write a poem on your death. J.R. Solonche is the author most recently of Selected Poems 2002-2021, which was nominated for the National Book Award […]

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J.R. Solonche “The Stone Wall”

J.R. Solonche The Stone Wall The stone wall I built years ago has disappeared beneath the tall green laugh of the weedy grass. Nominated for the National Book Award and twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, J.R. Solonche is the author of 26 books of poetry and coauthor of another.    

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J.R. Solonche “Flash Flood”

J.R. Solonche Flash Flood A few drops of rain, not even enough to chase me inside, but a moth on the desert of a hosta leaf has found its oasis. Nominated for the National Book Award and twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, J.R. Solonche is the author of twenty-six books of poetry and coauthor of […]

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J.R. Solonche “Beached Boat”

J.R. Solonche Beached Boat Small as boats go and don’t go, face- down on the ground, chained to a tree, now it floats in place upon the earth along with everything else on earth. Nominated for the National Book Award and twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. J.R. Solonche is the author of 24 books of […]

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J.R. Solonche “Fence Deference”

J.R. Solonche Fence Deference Although the rails have fallen and only the posts are in the ground, four stand-ins for a fence no longer recognizable, I’ll leave them alone, for this morning I saw a goldfinch perched atop one, flickering like a flame in the wind. J.R. Solonche is the author of 25 books of […]

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J.R. Solonche “On the Wall of the Hospital Room”

J.R. Solonche On the Wall of the Hospital Room On the wall of my hospital room, above the mirror above the sink, there is a wooden crucifix with the figure of Christ in pewter, arms stretched outward and upward and forward slightly in benediction or as though ready to execute a swan dive, preparing himself […]

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