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Howie Good

Howie Good “Caution! Poet at Work”

Howie Good Caution! Poet at Work I have spent many an hour looking out my back door, waiting for something to happen, but nothing that would ever be considered a police matter, nothing even faintly criminal, just for the best words to appear like pigeons strutting into view wearing tiny cowboy hats. Howie Good is […]

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Pushcart Nominee 2019: Howie Good “The Last Voyage”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Howie Good The Last Voyage Our 93-year-old dad, without his hearing aids or even his three-pronged cane, still managed somehow to give everyone the slip, sneaking off to Monte Carlo Night down in the cellar of a dream factory, where he coolly turned over his hole card and won $400, after which […]

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Pushcart Nominee 2019: Howie Good “How to Prepare for Heartbreak”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Howie Good How to Prepare for Heartbreak Summoning up a kind of rage, stubbornly walk, or even crawl, across a frozen sea and then pass through a hole in a fence, on the other side of which it’s dusk, and maybe always is, no people anywhere, just stubble fields and a black […]

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Howie Good “The Last Voyage”

Howie Good The Last Voyage Our 93-year-old dad, without his hearing aids or even his three-pronged cane, still managed somehow to give everyone the slip, sneaking off to Monte Carlo Night down in the cellar of a dream factory, where he coolly turned over his hole card and won $400, after which he started back […]

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Howie Good “Haters, Inc.”

Howie Good Haters, Inc. Any one of us is every one of us, if you get what I mean, the same formula, the same diagram sketched on a napkin, only we don’t much act like it, our ranks filled out with haters, coming to shoot strangers in the face, burn churches to the ground, laugh […]

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Howie Good “How to Prepare for Heartbreak”

Howie Good How to Prepare for Heartbreak Summoning up a kind of rage, stubbornly walk, or even crawl, across a frozen sea and then pass through a hole in a fence, on the other side of which it’s dusk, and maybe always is, no people anywhere, just stubble fields and a black dog with a […]

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Howie Good “The Colonel of the Dead”

Howie Good The Colonel of the Dead after flexing his cramped fingers, records your name in black ink on black paper, then lies back with a weary sigh on a sun chair, pink high tops crossed at the ankles.   Howie Good is on the pavement, thinking about the government.    

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