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Alan Toltzis

Alan Toltzis “Happiness”

Alan Toltzis Happiness Their house filled with dither and din, misheard repetition, and misrepresentation as if they were on some plaintive search for a key when she remembered hers —buried deep in her pocketbook and he reclaimed his —from the right-hand corner of the mantle— just where they put them (for safekeeping) every day for […]

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Alan Toltzis: “Without a Trace”

Alan Toltzis Without a Trace If only I were tubes and hollows, some vast landscape of regimented purpose coursing under aging skin, hurt and need would travel untrackable within me, the ground unscuffed even in places, soft and wet, and my spirit would weave through unbent grass and weeds alighting on an unbowed reed, its […]

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