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Deonte Osayande

Deonte Osayande “Expendable”

Deonte Osayande Expendable In sports, everyone eventually becomes replaceable, the lucky don’t see who’s next biting at their heels and in the end our bodies are on borrowed time, eventually betraying us, with loan payments that we have to pay later on in life but I always knew I was expendable from the day my […]

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Deonte Osayande: “Cellular”

Deonte Osayande Cellular If I made an app on my phone for black love I would name it something like did you eat or let me know when you made it home safely because I need the condition of my lover’s survival on hand, in my palm at a moments notice just like how quickly […]

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Deonte Osayande: “The Paranoia Says the Helicopter Searches For Me”

Deonte Osayande The Paranoia Says the Helicopter Searches For Me As the announcement of the training exercise on campus for the police force comes into my classroom and I joke about the threat, about my blood pressure as if there wasn’t a shooting at a community college weeks before, as if I weren’t the same […]

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Deonte Osayande: “Traffic”

Deonte Osayande Traffic The other cars on the road cut us off, forcing the awkward silence associated with the wait in the cab longer than expected which prompts the driver to ask what kind of people we’d be interested in buying if he were selling and this wasn’t just “an odd hypothetical”.  Deonte Osayande is […]

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Deonte Osayande: “Fear & Forgiveness”

Deonte Osayande Fear & Forgiveness My mother prays for the hate to be removed from the hearts of so many in this country before I realize how we lack even somewhere safe enough for us to do that. Deonte Osayande is a writer, instructor and former sprinter from Detroit, Michigan.

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