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Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco

Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco: “Making It Even”

Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Making It Even If I can swim across the pool same as throwing back a shot, and still feel nothing, why did you ask if the only place I cry is underwater?   Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco lives in California and writes poems because she can’t figure out how to eat the sky.

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Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco: “Last Summer”

Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco Last Summer On the Ferris wheel, last summer, I gripped my son’s blue shirt as we spun sickly in the vacant air, then down, again, to where the hot earth tilted.   Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco lives in California and writes poems because she can’t figure out how to eat the sky.

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