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H. Edgar Hix

H. Edgar Hix “Snow Has Its Own Little Ways”

H. Edgar Hix Snow Has Its Own Little Ways Snow has its own little ways: melting when you don’t expect it, flying from the breeze to your glasses, keeping the dead mouse hidden until spring, showing up on schedule or not, calling you from her new boyfriend’s to ask you to get her the sparkly […]

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H. Edgar Hix “The Echoes”

H. Edgar Hix The Echoes Worse than the screams are the echoes that whisper, “The emptiness is already here.” H. Edgar Hix is still H. Edgar Hixing around south Minneapolis to the pleasure of a few, the dismay of a few more, and the complete indifference of most.

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H. Edgar Hix “The Echoes”

H. Edgar Hix The Echoes Worse than the screams are the echoes that whisper, “The emptiness is already here.” H. Edgar Hix is still H. Edgar Hixing around south Minneapolis to the pleasure of a few, the dismay of a few more, and the complete indifference of most.

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H. Edgar Hix “Viewing”

H. Edgar Hix Viewing The storm is in full bloom and I can barely wait for the next lightning to pollinate the earth with sizzling ozone. H. Edgar Hix is still H. Edgar Hixing around south Minneapolis to the pleasure of a few, the dismay of a few more, and the complete indifference of most.

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