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Ian Willey

Ian Willey “Guitar God”

Ian Willey Guitar God A long time ago for reasons I no longer remember I got it in my head that every star in the night sky was a note played by Eddie Van Halen throughout his stellar career, and now, as I look up at this patch of dark space my impulse is to […]

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Ian Willey “Season 5”

Ian Willey Season 5 She came home with a new guy and it was just like that year when the actors went on strike and on The Dukes of Hazzard a couple of new dudes came in to take the place of Bo and Luke who, they said on the show, had left to see […]

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Ian Willey “Time to Cool Down”

Ian Willey Time to Cool Down I realized how much this situation has changed me while watching some dumb movie and there was this scene where a woman moves towards a man slowly as the music lets you know that this is the moment when they come together and become a something and their lips […]

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Judy Kronenfeld “Old Longing”

Judy Kronenfeld Old Longing The wine-dark velvet cloak of the prima ballerina (it had to be she!) sweeps over her lathe-turned calf when she lifts her slippered, alabaster foot—arched and pointed— into the black cab in the rain-glossed alley adjoining the theater—as, hand gripped by mother’s, you are swept along with the exiting crowds—and the […]

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Ian Willey “Gone Viral”

Ian Willey Gone Viral Standing here with this mask on my face I watch the starlings leap from wire to sky where they swirl and circle and return to the wires to pause before bursting skyward and repeating their performance with stunning coordination and speed—what the watchers call a murmuration—and I’m gripped by the electricity […]

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Ian Willey “A Wonderful Life”

Ian Willey A Wonderful Life It’s drizzling here in economy, but when the curtains part I get a glimpse of powder on the backs of the seats of the upper classes, and a cabin attendant who looks like Jimmy Stewart passes out checks to hands that rise from the seats like the necks of swans […]

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Ian Willey “Empty Nest”

Ian Willey Empty Nest When they razed the field to make space for the last of the houses the killdeer no longer had any place to make their nests so they left, all but one, who somehow got into the blood of the woman living alone at the top of the hill, which is why […]

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Pushcart Nominee 2019: Ian Willey “The End”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Ian Willey The End If the sun were suddenly to explode we’d have eight minutes and twenty seconds before the shockwave reached earth to annihilate everything, meaning there wouldn’t be enough time to listen to “The End” by The Doors, though you could play R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as […]

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