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John Grey

John Grey “Race-Car Driver”

John Grey Race-Car Driver He’s at the wheel, helmet for a head, fire-suit for a body, while large silver pipes like dragon mouths with roaring red breath pursue him on an oval track, lap after lap after lap. John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Fall/Lines, Euphony and Columbia Review with […]

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John Grey “On Running into My Ex at a Restaurant “

John Grey On Running into My Ex at a Restaurant She greeted me with the forced smile of a defeated tennis player. shaking the hand of her opponent at the net. John Grey adapts to occasions as they arise, subtly if at all possible.

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John Grey: “Small Town USA”

John Grey Small Town USA Old Farmer Bones rotates his crops, plows old corn into the ground to make way for a fall barley harvest while, at the parade site, cops hustle some kids smoking cigarettes out from behind the VIP stand. John Grey is an Australian born poet and short story writer who is […]

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John Grey: “Roadkill USA”

John Grey Roadkill USA It’s such a relief that my guts are not scattered all over the road, and that I never have to know the embarrassment of being nothing more than what people see me as.   John Grey is an Australian born poet and short story writer who is resident in Rhode Island […]

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John Grey: 2 poems

John Grey After “My Way” The Elvis impersonator adjusted his dark glasses, pulled in his stomach, wiped the sweat from his cheeks and the curl from his brow, wheeled his cape around and, as mist rose from the stage, sequins sparkled in the spotlight,. he stepped into the darkness and was gone. You Know It’s Over […]

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