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Keith Nunes

Keith Nunes: “I said what!”

Keith Nunes I said what! Everything’s at stake when you leave the tight security of sleep and appear downstairs among the rubble of last night’s truth-telling rampage. Keith Nunes struggles daily with whatever comes after waking up.          

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Keith Nunes: “changes”

Keith Nunes changes She stopped banging on the door and said she would change the system from the inside but the system changed her on the inside and now she won’t open the door. Keith Nunes has a distaste for being told but a love of writing down what he overhears and some journals around […]

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Keith Nunes: Untitled

Keith Nunes The sound she makes when having sex is like the last of a species caught in a blizzard. Keith Nunes (Lake Rotoma, New Zealand) was a newspaper sub-editor for more than 20 years but now he writes to stay grounded in unsanitised bulgur wheat.

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Keith Nunes: Untitled

Keith Nunes Inside the green so deeply the ferryman seems like a far-off star suggesting Thai for dinner. Keith Nunes (Lake Rotoma, New Zealand) was a newspaper sub-editor for more than 20 years but now he writes to stay grounded in unsanitised bulgur wheat.

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