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Todd Mercer

Todd Mercer “DEFCON 1”

Todd Mercer DEFCON 1 “Jesus wept,” Mom said, that prominent forehead vein flexing as her offspring scattered to the four points of the compass, no one lingering to see the explosion, or what landed where. Todd Mercer coined the popular culture term “high-tracked” (becoming side-tracked from one’s stream of thought due to being high) and […]

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Todd Mercer “Collect”

Todd Mercer Collect I called Eddie Kendricks when I felt all hope was gone and Eddie to his credit mumbled heartfelt support like it wasn’t 3 a.m. in Detroit, Michigan. Todd Mercer coined the popular culture term “high-tracked” (becoming side-tracked from one’s stream of thought due to being high) and wrote a digital chapbook, Life-wish […]

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Todd Mercer: “Is This Thing On?”

Todd Mercer Is This Thing On? The same way my parents assumed I never listened before I became just like them, I’ll assume you hear me clearer than you seem to, my impassable, beloved child. Todd Mercer, winner of the 2016 Dyer-Ives Poetry Prize and the 2015 Grand Rapids Festival for the Arts Flash Fiction Prize had […]

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Todd Mercer: “Great View, Poor Accommodations”

Todd Mercer Great View, Poor Accommodations Jesus couldn’t really see Peter’s house from there, but that’s the cool cat the apostles loved, the mensch making jokes for them even as he slipped away. Todd Mercer, winner of the 2016 Dyer-Ives Poetry Prize and the 2015 Grand Rapids Festival for the Arts Flash Fiction Prize had his digital […]

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Todd Mercer: My Other Ride’s Your Mom

Todd Mercer My Other Ride’s Your Mom read the T-shirt of the neighborhood guy who topped out a high school football hero, my change pushed under bulletproof glass.   Todd Mercer, winner of the Woodstock Writers Festival’s Flash Fiction contest, appears in Apocrypha and Abstractions, Blue Collar Review, Cease Cows, Dunes Review, Eunoia Review, 50-Word Stories, The […]

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