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Ian Willey

Ian Willey “When I Was Lost”

Ian Willey When I Was Lost Having missed the entrance to the turnpike I stopped at a roadside diner, the kind that serve eggs all day and the waitresses are named Edna, and when I asked the waitress for directions (her name was Edna, as I said) she smiled and said honey lots of people […]

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Ian Willey “Rotor Bob”

Ian Willey Rotor Bob When I heard the park had closed down the first thing that popped into my mind was Rotor Bob, that big guy in a Star Wars t-shirt who’d ride that ride all day, every day, all summer long, spinning round and round in that dark space with the same blank expression […]

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Ian Willey: “Faculty Development”

Ian Willey Faculty Development Seminar It’s possible that the woman sitting in front of me has never been told, or observed on her own, that the three moles on the back of her neck look just like Orion’s Belt, as seen in the southern sky in the wee hours of a chilly autumn morning, when […]

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Ian Willey: “Like Father, Like Son”

Ian Willey Like Father, Like Son Asked what he wanted to be when he grew up my son answered, without looking up from his drawing, that he’d either be a pilot or a Triceratops, which made our guest laugh, but not me, because I’d thought more or less the same thing when I was his […]

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