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Angeline Schellenberg

Angeline Schellenberg: 2 poems

Angeline Schellenberg Song for Sex Oh, mashup of poetry and friction, all here-ness and bungle, here’s to years of trust, flashes of huzzah, the grudging forgiveness, and the halleluiah. Bathing, Sinking The B&B where I bathed in lavender (before bubbles could make me cry) lies around the corner from the Misery— first syllables of the […]

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Angeline Schellenberg: 2 poems

Angeline Schellenberg Last Goodbye You reach over the rail for my hand, smile, and say I love you, Edith and I want to tell you Grandpa, it’s me but my aunt Edie is a beauty, my age in 1977—the year you relive in your mind, so glad your little girl is here. Song for the […]

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