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Corey Mesler

Corey Mesler “Christopher Columbus”

Corey Mesler Christopher Columbus The ghost of my father is Christopher Columbus as he disembarks and finds everything around him so unfamiliar that he doesn’t feel comfortable in this new land, back among the living, who are as quiet as ghosts. Corey Mesler has published over 30 books of fiction and/or poetry, and with his […]

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Corey Mesler “On the Way to the Old Forest”

Corey Mesler On the Way to the Old Forest Listening to gospel on the Wynne station— Johnny Cash signing “In the Garden”– on the way to The Old Forest, where we saw, amid the leafrot and lichen and sunstruck canopy, a handsome snake, which slipped across the path, startling us, reminding us that the world, […]

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Corey Mesler “Sacerdotalism”

Corey Mesler Sacerdotalism Under the stone more life than in a church. Corey Mesler has been published in numerous anthologies and journals including Poetry, Gargoyle, Five Points, Good Poems American Places, and New Stories from the South, and he owns a bookstore in Memphis.    

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Corey Mesler “The Sickness”

Corey Mesler The Sickness In the 2 a.m. fog it comes like a roaring in one’s center, a brute bent on devouring all the confidence gained through persistence and steady gravity; it comes unbidden and I have learned awfully to not blame myself. Corey Mesler has been published in numerous anthologies and journals including Poetry, […]

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Corey Mesler “From Canada”

Corey Mesler From Canada Most of my large family are Canadian, burly men who drank beer and curled or played hockey, and comely women, who were mostly wives and mothers, a strain of neuroses running through them like fat marbling a cut of beef, and I’ve often wondered how I came from such a clan, […]

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Corey Mesler “About Love”

Corey Mesler About Love I’d rather write about love, about my wife’s hand taking mine for no good reason except that yesterday the world didn’t end, and today feels as solid as the earth’s first kings. Corey Mesler has published 30 books of prose and poetry and appears in many anthologies, which is somewhat uncommon […]

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Corey Mesler “Turn”

Corey Mesler Turn It’s a cold and distant mummery that limns my life and calls itself me. Corey Mesler has published 30 books of prose and poetry and appears in many anthologies, which is somewhat uncommon in Memphis, Tennessee, where, with his wife, he runs one of the oldest bookstores in America.    

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Corey Mesler “The Dog Sleeps”

Corey Mesler The Dog Sleeps The dog sleeps in a small curl, her work for the day done, her appetite for living becoming the cartoons of dreams, still running, like she did as a puppy, toward something large and unknowable. Corey Mesler has published 30 books of prose and poetry and appears in many anthologies, […]

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