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Diana Morley

Diana Morley “That Fleece Hat”

Diana Morley That Fleece Hat cloudy blue, flumpy shape, can be packed flat, rolled up, tied to train tracks, run over, and still fit fine the next day when I pull the frayed black rim down just so, covering up the past ten years. Diana Morley has published several books of poetry and now writes […]

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Diana Morley “Nibbling”

Diana Morley Nibbling the soft center of buttered bread, remarking, how pampering the slathering how distracting from disquiet as if stepping over as if silking over as if the heart were part of the belly. Diana Morley is an old woman now, but she lies down often to keep those brain cells from drifting down […]

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Diana Morley “Just Asking”

Diana Morley Just Asking Heard someone say every tree in town should come down as they block views and are a fire hazard, so I wondered what views are more worthy, and don’t houses burn too—and if all the trees were gone, where would we put all the birds coming to sing as they do […]

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Diana Morley “My Dance Partner”

Diana Morley My Dance Partner stepped on my toes now and then as I stepped on his—but he had my back with a warm hand and swept me into an intimacy far from our bedroom, a union so satisfying I could have danced all night. Diana Morley managed herself in a marriage for over five […]

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Diana Morley “Evacuation Level 3”

Diana Morley Evacuation Level 3 Left the fire area holding inside my friends, my maple tree, the new sink faucet and my old griddle that still makes great gingerbread pancakes.     Diana Morley published “Splashing” in 2020, foreshadowing Covid-19, but hopeful and on Sept. 8 escaped a wildfire in Oregon.  

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