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Fredric Koeppel

Fredric Koeppel “The Terror You Feel”

Fredric Koeppel The Terror You Feel when you learn from a chance remark that someone you secretly loved long ago died, and the memory of desire comes disguised as a wafer of ash the priest delicately places on your tongue, and you feel like the animal that didn’t make it to the Ark, the one […]

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Fredric Koeppel “November”

Fredric Koeppel November The Jack-o-Lantern our neighbor threw into the woods across the street, caved in, gnawed by squirrels and possums — I wish I had not seen that face at twilight, under a half-moon’s faint-hearted gauze. Fredric Koeppel has discovered that writing a one-sentence poem is harder than writing an epic.    

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Fredric Koeppel “Episode”

Fredric Koeppel Episode Under a sky so blue you could break it over your knee and hand the shards out to the poor in spirit, an empty grocery cart rolls along the parking lot, grazes a light pole, gathers speed down an incline and smashes into the back of a red Volvo station wagon, igniting […]

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Fredric Koeppel “Rest”

Fredric Koeppel Rest It’s a wonder how much dirt comes out of a shallow grave, making a bed softer than many you slept in when the last thing on your mind was waking up again. Fredric Koeppel lives in Memphis and had a poem in Right Hand Pointing once.  

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