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George Held

George Held “Kindergarten”

George Held Kindergarten You led us in a daisy chain around the giant oak outside our kindergarten and back inside distributed warm, souring milk or tinny tomato juice and then cajoled us onto our mats and traipsed among us strewing cardboard flower petals in your guise as The Sandman till we drowsed off on the […]

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George Held “A Rabbi”

George Held A Rabbi Bending over his instruments like attending to the Torah the yarmulke-clad anesthesiologist says he prefers his propofol with fentanyl, which is easier to control the dosage of, and he quips that undiluted propofol offed MJ, “with the aid of his physician,” I add, and the doctor shuts me up by sending me instantly […]

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George Held: One sentence poems

George Held It’s a bit meta, but here’s George Held on One Sentence Poems, talking about one sentence poems. Every one sentence poem is an etude in a minor key or a high wire syntactical act. George Held very recently had a one sentence poem here on One Sentence Poems.

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