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Gil Hoy

Gil Hoy “Shopping at 500 Stalls in Market 28, Downtown Cancun

Gil Hoy Shopping at 500 Stalls in Market 28, Downtown Cancun When you’re anti-social, with a dynamic, welcoming, alluring wife who delights in shopping, it’s like a Stephen King novel, in halogen lights, with one million bulbs. Gil Hoy is a Boston poet who studied poetry at Boston University. Hoy’s poetry has appeared, or will […]

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Gil Hoy “Threw It Away Years Ago”

Gil Hoy Threw It Away Years Ago I’ve no use for a stainless steel lightweight, corrosive resistant contraption that encumbers my wrist and can’t tell me anything useful anyway: Like when my kids might grow up, my heart will stop beating or the last polar bear will step off the last piece of melting sea […]

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Gil Hoy “Simile”

Gil Hoy Simile Rest in peace defunct T.  Rex, mythical dinosaur king with erector set jaws, your ecological footprint so sizeable that the earth couldn’t support you— like the carbon footprint of the Futtsu Thermal Power Station, its parents grandparents brothers and sisters. Gil Hoy‘s poems are like ….

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Gil Hoy “Buffalo Bill’s”

Gil Hoy Buffalo Bill’s Buffalo Bill’s alive who now rides a smooth, black and white energy-saving Tesla that accelerates onetwothreefourfivesix justlikethat Jesus I miss my watersmooth-silver stallion but what i want to know is how do you like your Pontiac now Mister Death. Gil Hoy writes poems in Boston while his daughter and son-in-law drive […]

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Gil Hoy “Man’s Best Friend”

Gil Hoy Man’s Best Friend If she had only gotten up to walk the barking dog on that early pitch-black morning, then I would have had time to check my tax return, would have caught my mistake, wouldn’t have been audited, wouldn’t have had to tell that little white lie, wouldn’t be sitting in this […]

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Gil Hoy: “Englishmen”

Gil Hoy Englishmen Have you been to the Protestant cemetery in Rome and seen Keats’s cats— so many cats— skating on a watery grave, drinking the writ water, growing stronger? Gil Hoy writes poems in Boston, Massachusetts and neighboring environs, reads Elizabeth Bishop and John Keats, and tries cases before juries of his peers.

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