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Howie Good

Howie Good “Voyagers”

Howie Good Voyagers We were just getting into it on the black couch in the den when your parents arrived back home from dinner out and a movie, and so we waited and waited until they went off to bed and then we finished up, the two of us, hardly more than kids, tossed all […]

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Howie Good “Flight”

Howie Good Flight Attempting to trick my mind into a calmer state, I visualized my anxious inner self floating up out of my body – up past a rooftop billboard with the message “Your message here,” up past fat white clouds sailing for home like a fleet of Spanish treasure ships, up past an abandoned […]

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Howie Good “Making Love”

Howie Good Making Love Sometimes it’s like the slow, patient unraveling of the obscure meaning of a passage in a sacred text, and other times more like kids in their parents’ cars doing donuts in an empty parking lot, simple noisy fun, and afterwards, when everything has stopped spinning, we have a floating feeling, as […]

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Howie Good “Evening Walk”

Howie Good Evening Walk I’m walking along a narrow strip of dirt, a kind of no man’s land, between bare woods and the roadway, darkness falling fast, as if every little town has its share of evil, when I just happen to look up and see the bulge of new buds on dead-seeming branches, the […]

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Howie Good “Recessional”

Howie Good Recessional Sometimes I wish I didn’t remember things so well – my father the December the factory closed down, sitting in the house day after day, silent, brooding, one stray black shoe at the edge of a mass grave. Howie Good is a poet and collage artist on Cape Cod.    

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Howie Good “The Desert of the Real”

Howie Good The Desert of the Real They say the truth is self-evident, but passers-by regularly avert their gaze, and I myself have only ever seen what I have wanted to see, never once suspecting that all the time I thought I was moving toward something I was moving even farther away, a silver airship […]

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Howie Good “Asleep In Class” and “Author’s Bio”

Howie Good Asleep in Class I have heard it is bad luck to wake up a student who is asleep in class, and so I don’t, even though now he may never know that Picasso dressed like a pauper or that Bulgarians burn old used clothes for heat and fuel or that in years to […]

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Howie Good “In the Dark”

Howie Good In the Dark My thesaurus lists some 140 words related to darkness, including black, blackness, pitch black, night, nightfall, nighttime, umbra, penumbra, umbrous, leaving no doubt that dawn is still far off. Howie Good‘s new collection of prose poetry is Famous Long Ago from Laughing Ronin Press.    

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