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Juan Pablo Mobili

Juan Pablo Mobili “Aubade”

Juan Pablo Mobili Aubade They are coming back, yesterday it was the middle-aged groundhog sampling brown tufts from my garden’s cuisine, today is the slender fox walking briskly the length of my back fence longing for one last henhouse, we all go about our business, sighing for our losses, counting our blessings. Juan Pablo Mobili […]

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Juan Pablo Mobili “What I Think I’ll Miss the Most”

Juan Pablo Mobili What I Think I’ll Miss the Most I think I will miss the most the sounds we don’t remember, the carafe stumbling to dock back on the coffee maker, the hand brushing the crumbs off the dinner table, that thought that rushes forth before I gasp.   Juan Pablo Mobili is a […]

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Juan Pablo Mobili “Spiritual Advice”

Juan Pablo Mobili Spiritual Advice Don’t invite old gods to your tea party they will argue over who created biscuits, they get distracted in the middle of your prayers they don’t know when to retire. Juan Pablo Mobili is a poet and was a gardener. He decided to only prune poems, a long time ago. […]

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