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Larry D. Thomas

Larry D. Thomas “Bedtime”

Larry D. Thomas Bedtime Peeling Band-Aids of thin air to wrap the cuts of imaginary friends, she tells me to be careful with her electric blue Day-Glo bucket because it’s full of sky, leans back against my chest, tickles my nostrils with pigtails, and falls asleep turning crumpled pages magical with poems and animals. Larry […]

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Larry D. Thomas “The Scribe”

Larry D. Thomas The Scribe The scribe labored by the light of day or candle, clutching his quill, dipping it in ink and scratching each flawless letter on the skin of sheep or goat, deeding to his craft each grueling decade of his life, his sole extravagance the occasional, well-timed flourish of a letter of […]

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Larry D. Thomas “A kindergartner…”

Larry D. Thomas A kindergartner asked me if a crow is a crow because it caws. Larry D. Thomas, a regular contributor of poetry to our sister Right Hand Pointing for many years, is a member of the Texas Institute of Letters and served as the 2008 Texas Poet Laureate.  

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Larry D. Thomas: “The syllable …”

Larry D. Thomas The syllable is the pulse of the word. Larry D. Thomas, a frequent contributor to Right Hand Pointing, lives in the Great Chihuahuan  Desert of far West Texas with his wife, Lisa, and two Chihuahuas, Pecos and Piñon, who are howling this very moment in the pack of his major Muses.

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Larry D. Thomas: “Awe …”

Larry D. Thomas Awe is the archive of wonder. Larry D. Thomas, a frequent contributor to Right Hand Pointing, lives in the Great Chihuahuan  Desert of far West Texas with his wife, Lisa, and two Chihuahuas, Pecos and Piñon, who are howling this very moment in the pack of his major Muses.

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Larry D. Thomas: “Blue Jay”

Larry D. Thomas Blue Jay What is his song but a brand-new, awkwardly angled stick of blue chalk dragged across the chalkboard of daybreak?   Larry D. Thomas reads and writes poems to enjoy the scenery of Yosemite from his balcony in the Chihuahuan Desert of far West Texas.  

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