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Lisa Zaran

Lisa Zaran “Subordinate”

Lisa Zaran Subordinate Maybe that’s what she meant when I saw her for just that moment, handcuffed and gleeful, a thinker without a filter, propped on the curb while police roamed around her, cigarette dangling between her lips Lisa Zaran thinks life is a dream full of toothaches and heartbreaks.

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Lisa Zaran “Father Won’t You Be My Friend”

Lisa Zaran Father Won’t You Be My Friend It’s not because I was your daughter you treated me in such a way as if the sweetness lay in not having to talk about anything important, our conversations weighed on sugar and soft and when you died I craved salt. Lisa Zaran thinks life is a […]

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Lisa Zaran “Falling Star”

Lisa Zaran Falling Star  I feel in some ways a child again, living in a moment, reliving a memory that has just now crept up, I follow the path of dreams, I  deserve the world.  Lisa Zaran thinks life is a dream full of toothaches and heartbreaks.

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Lisa Zaran “You Tell Me I Am Wrong”

Lisa Zaran You Tell Me I Am Wrong  I shift my gaze because to look you in the eyes may cause tenderness and everyone at some point in their lives dreams of winning. Lisa Zaran thinks life is a dream full of toothaches and heartbreaks.

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