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M. J. Iuppa

M.J. Iuppa “Transparencies”

M.J. Iuppa Transparencies Only when afternoon’s unfamiliar light fills the birch with apparition, with aloofness that shimmers in- side bare branches, like a caul of silence that overwhelms us to stand still within this window frame— this grip on a life left, unfinished. M.J. Iuppa ‘s fourth poetry collection is This Thirst (Kelsay Books, 2017).For […]

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M.J. Iuppa “To Destination”

M.J. Iuppa To Destination  Scopello, Sicily, 2018  No street signs, only switch- back roads rising to blind turns spinning us down dusty corridors walled by cacti and sprays of fuchsia, not knowing what lies ahead is a cliff hanger: freshly squeezed blood orange sun incandescent sea M.J. Iuppa ‘s fourth poetry collection is This Thirst […]

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M.J.Iuppa: “Glancing Out the Window”

M.J.Iuppa Glancing Out the Window Again and again, now more frequently, I think about death and how it will have me un- aware of its intention to take me away from this— which is full of occupation— this lifetime, waiting M.J.Iuppa lives on a small farm near the shores of lake Ontario.

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M.J. Iuppa: “Another New Year”

M.J. Iuppa Another New Year No snow to speak of on the city sidewalk, or ice for that matter; only a black Mercedes-Benz with tinted windows pulled tight to the curb where a lately bagged Christmas tree waits to be picked up. M.J. Iuppa lives on Red Rooster Farm near the shores of Lake Ontario. […]

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M. J. Iuppa: “The Procession”

M. J. Iuppa The Procession When the police escort revs his motorcycle, the hearse appears weightless, drifting on route 19, followed by a single car with its lights off. M.J.Iuppa‘s most recent chapbook is Between Worlds,  featuring lyric essays, flash fiction and prose poems (Foothills Publishing, 2013). 

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M. J. Iuppa: Still Life

M. J. Iuppa Still Life There is an art to passive living: stay here. M. J. Iuppa‘s most recent  chapbook is As the Crow Flies (Foothills Publishing, 2008), and her second full-length collection is Within Reach (Cherry Grove Collections, 2010). 

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