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Mike Cole

Mike Cole “Gifts”

Mike Cole Gifts When you asked where he had been, he couldn’t say, but he had this bouquet of small stars that had arisen from the spaces between his hours, and they were burning him with their need to be given to you. Mike Cole lives and writes and waits on the arrival of poems […]

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Mike Cole “Climb”

Mike Cole Climb For Jane At 20,000 feet, roped in a line of silhouettes, stepping single file across a sky scraped clean by wind so strong she can lean her full weight against it, she knows a hurt so deep she closes her eyes before each step and builds new reasons for going on, knows […]

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Mike Cole “With You”

Mike Cole With You (for Christy) At Horseshoe Lake, a pocket of snowmelt, you swam in the rain, and on the other shore those hikers in their ponchos leaned on walking sticks and contemplated your abandon to cold water. Mike Cole lives and writes and waits on the arrival of poems in the mountains of […]

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Mike Cole “Glacier Point Moonrise”

Mike Cole Glacier Point Moonrise Tonight the full moon will climb the curved shoulder of Half Dome and we will stand at the lip of Yosemite Valley and watch as the miles of spires in the east are tinged in pale silver Mike Cole lives and writes and waits on the arrival of poems in […]

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Mike Cole “Black Flame”

Mike Cole Black Flame The last time you came to me the night broke into black flame and I breathed just once before I rose like windborne ash and swirled to meet you where we both became the same idea. Mike Cole lives and writes and waits on the arrival of poems in the mountains […]

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Mike Cole “Adrift”

Mike Cole Adrift Somewhere between continents of ice a solitary gray whale barnacled and festooned with scavengers and other hangers on drifts in search of what one might call love. Mike Cole lives and writes and waits on the arrival of poems in the mountains of Central California near Yosemite.    

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