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Neil Creighton

Neil Creighton “I wake”

Neil Creighton I wake to the flickering screen’s images of desperation and remorse, the bleak recounting of misdeeds, lies, greed, corruption, scenes of anger, partisan politics, accusation, analysis, implication, expectation, speculation, but in the blue-sky day outside the gum trees are in nectar-filled explosion of blossom and the air is filled with flocks of beautiful […]

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Neil Creighton “The End of the Day”

Neil Creighton The End of the Day In this tinsel world of botox faces, perfect orthodontal smiles and all those desperate attempts to keep youthful looks I’m thinking about the headlong stampede of youth and the crumbling that comes with age and I’m also thinking that for beauty sunset’s red, orange and purple blaze equals […]

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Neil Creighton “A Beam of Light”

Neil Creighton A Beam of Light Scoff, you cynics, you observers of the here and now, but we are only our dreams so why shouldn’t I, with prophets and seers, float out of my darkened window on a beam of pure light, soaring high above the swamp and desert to see, just over the horizon, […]

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Neil Creighton “Sun Dance”

Neil Creighton Sun Dance If only I could throw words onto the page like Jackson Pollock threw paint onto the canvas, a kind of divine anarchy, beautiful chaos celebrating nothing but itself, iridescent, dripping molten stalactites in fluro red, orange and green descending over the primordial world aeons before the red blaze cooled and life […]

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Neil Creighton: “See”

Neil Creighton See See how on this rainy day the honeysuckle dresses in cream and gold and how on frosty mornings the humble wattle displays her summery-yellow sprays or how through the gloom of grey cloud’s cluster the sun pokes his bright toe and hope that in whatever darkness come splashes of yellow and gold […]

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