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Peter Venable

Peter Venable: 3 poems

Peter Venable 3 poems   Sun Spill Threads of light hang from cloud skirts, dabbing beach streets with swabs of steam. On a pier an octogenarian kneads sunscreen into knotted cypress knees. I Hitchhiked by an interstate bridge knee-deep in retreads. Peter Venable is serving a life sentence, condemned to compose verse.  

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Peter Venable: “Motionless…”

Peter Venable Motionless, crows eye me from branches and one, on a stump, displays wings—a parasol of sheen in sun’s shaft.   Peter Venable has written hundreds of poems over decades, been published elsewhere, sings, writes, counsels, inspires, and is happily married with a fine daughter, son-in-law,and Yeshua.

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Peter Venable: “The Nazarene…”

Peter Venable The Nazarene eyed the temple and spoke of stones crumbling to dust, of stars dropping like hail on lanes, meadows, trees—  the sun black as a crow’s eye.   Peter Venable has written hundreds of poems over decades, been published elsewhere, sings, writes, counsels, inspires, and is happily married with a fine daughter, son-in-law,and […]

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