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Pushcart Nominee 2019

Pushcart Nominee 2019: Scott Hughes “Perma-Ring”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Scott Hughes Perma-Ring People told me that after you wear your wedding band long enough, there would be a permanent indentation on your finger, but what they didn’t tell me, what they may not have even known, is once you leave the ring off how soon your skin forgets. Keep reading, and […]

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Pushcart Nominee 2019: Ian Willey “The End”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Ian Willey The End If the sun were suddenly to explode we’d have eight minutes and twenty seconds before the shockwave reached earth to annihilate everything, meaning there wouldn’t be enough time to listen to “The End” by The Doors, though you could play R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as […]

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Pushcart Nominee 2019: Howie Good “How to Prepare for Heartbreak”

Pushcart Nominee 2019 Howie Good How to Prepare for Heartbreak Summoning up a kind of rage, stubbornly walk, or even crawl, across a frozen sea and then pass through a hole in a fence, on the other side of which it’s dusk, and maybe always is, no people anywhere, just stubble fields and a black […]

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