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Roy Beckemeyer

Roy Beckemeyer “Leaning Westward”

Roy Beckemeyer Leaning Westward Sunrise stretching up behind us, the moon fading to a watermark in the backlit sky, we roll miles off I-70, watch rivers go thready as the horizon expands into this flatness that time has used to cap the Ogallala, watch fields gradually go from square to circular, cities wind down to […]

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Roy Beckemeyer “Under Prairie Skies”

Roy Beckemeyer Under Prairie Skies We make daily withdrawals from our allotments of tears, hail storms, stillborn children, sit staring at the Spartan silence of burial plots, remember grandfathers who spent their days wresting land from the prairie, acre by acre, who claimed it with hedgerows, section lines, cemeteries, dream that our children, building lives […]

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