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Sara Pirkle Hughes

Sara Pirkle Hughes “The Red Devil”

Sara Pirkle Hughes The Red Devil   How slowly I swam through months of unknowing, my cheeks creased from sleeping in chairs, where bitterly I flailed in rough-cut dreams of myself while the crimson poison snaked through my veins, and hospital machines breathed, singing their winter fugues. Sara Pirkle Hughes is a Southern poet, an […]

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Sara Pirkle Hughes “The Fire Next Door”

Sara Pirkle Hughes The Fire Next Door   The sound the house made as fire spread its paws through every room was like an old hound stretching in his sleep, deep sighs punctuated by growls, and being children, we watched, wide-eyed, as flames licked dawn’s open palm, and we laughed, looking at the world’s misery, […]

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Sara Pirkle Hughes “How Quickly the Body Forgives”

Sara Pirkle Hughes How Quickly the Body Forgives  Biking too fast to make a sharp turn, I scrape against a raw pine fence, and because teenagers are goofing nearby, I keep riding, my shin erupting in red splinters of blood, but the wind cools my face, the throbbing subsides, white lilac bursts in constellations overhead, […]

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