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Sarah Dickenson Snyder

Sarah Dickenson Synder “Ars Poetica”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder Ars Poetica As if a pipe burst inside, memory a vast field, those warm strawberries picked, fingers stained in a freshness of all I’ve touched as I hold my breath to stay in the blossoming of what Rilke advised, Go into yourself, your solitude will widen, a whole life touchable— the lemon […]

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Sarah Dickenson Synder “Looking for Signs from My Dead Mother”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder Looking for Signs from My Dead Mother Here I am again at my own birthday party where you’d spin a blind-folded me, the papery donkey tail clutched in my hand as I reach out for what I can’t see. Sarah Dickenson Snyder lives in Vermont, carves in stone, rides her bike, and […]

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Sarah Dickenson Snyder “Bullseye”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder Bullseye Do we all have a destination, that some small dot in the middle of concentric circles, willing us to stretch the skin’s tautness over our bones and let go, an arc of us skimming through air, seeking a landing deep into the center of another? Sarah Dickenson Snyder writes to unearth […]

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Sarah Dickenson Snyder “Twilight”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder Twilight The clouds swallow the sun, grayness entering almost shining as evening curves in—a keepsake in a locket, a little house for memory. Sarah Dickenson Snyder has three poetry collections, The Human Contract, Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards 2018), and With a Polaroid Camera (2019).

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Sarah Dickenson Snyder “At Home”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder At Home September then and she missed them— a daughter to love to cook for, a son to follow up a mountain— her shut-eyes imagining their palm-sized hearts, how they once beat inside. Sarah Dickenson Snyder has three poetry collections, The Human Contract, Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book […]

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Sarah Dickenson Snyder “On Leaving”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder On Leaving I will miss even cleaning the lint screen each time I do laundry, feeling the mesh on my fingertips— doing something I know will lengthen the life of a machine. Sarah Dickenson Snyder has three poetry collections, The Human Contract, Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards […]

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Sarah Dickenson Snyder “Newsworthy”

Sarah Dickenson Snyder Newsworthy An alligator just killed a woman in South Carolina out for walk just as I was today, the loop giving me two views of waves of mountains and the mist rising from the White River below, just out on a dirt road, the sound of stone on stone, three deer bending […]

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