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Sarena Tien

Sarena Tien: “Wǒ ài nǐ”

Sarena Tien “Wǒ ài nǐ” “Regisrasin,” my mom says, and I correct it to “registration” which she repeats, the word lilting into a question that I answer with “good,” the same response I gave her when she finally said “avocado” instead of “agobado,” leading to her laughter as she informs me, “I’ll forgot that”— and […]

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Sarena Tien: “Polyglot”

Sarena Tien Polyglot “Wǒ bù zhī dào” / « Je ne sais pas » / “I don’t know” is what I want to tell people when they ask how many languages I speak because even though I learned Chinese at home, French at school, and English in America, having grown up shy, Chinese-American, and a […]

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