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X. P. Callahan

X. P. Callahan “Urban Pastoral 2”

X. P. Callahan Urban Pastoral 2 Pink neon pontoons, underwater streetlight moons and schools of taillight make a resplendent planet of a rain-wet avenue.   X. P. Callahan is the proprietor of  Centorama: Happy Home of the Recombinant Poem (  

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X. P. Callahan “Last Prayer”

X. P. Callahan Last Prayer When I’m carried off this battlefield, may Nana’s plump little teapot not fall into the rough hands of the Salvation Army.   X. P. Callahan is the proprietor of  Centorama: Happy Home of the Recombinant Poem (  

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X. P. Callahan “Second Run”

X. P. Callahan Second Run If your life were a Hollywood movie you could get a refund or take to Rotten Tomatoes and give it a crap review.   X. P. Callahan is the proprietor of  Centorama: Happy Home of the Recombinant Poem (  

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X. P. Callahan “Perspective”

X. P. Callahan Perspective From the nineteenth floor of Lima’s Hotel Crillón I convinced myself a May Day workers’ riot is just like an Earth Day march.   X. P. Callahan is the proprietor of  Centorama: Happy Home of the Recombinant Poem (  

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X. P. Callahan “Illuminations”

X. P. Callahan Illuminations Three tents are on fire under the freeway over a smartphone dispute and here comes BART, a blue flash, the light of a thousand screens X. P. Callahan is the proprietor of CENTORAMA: The Happy Home of the Recombinant Poem (

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