Mark Cunningham

11 Locales 


Even if the actor stands motionless and unblinking in front of a blank wall, you can tell the difference between a long close-up and a freeze frame.

Having only one leg makes the starling seem to belong more to the air.

Now when he sweeps the beach with his metal detector, he doesn’t daydream he’s a pirate: he daydreams he’s Security.

When the alligator turns to rubber, it’s getting ready to attack.

I type “paper birth,” and then have to go back and change it to “paper birch.”

A wave folds and levels, but the point of a wave is that more than one uses the same water.

I said the sun casts no shadow and he said the sun casts every shadow.

Quiet enough you can hear the woman cough as she rides past in a car.

The guidebook said we’d be able to identify the pine, because there’s “something quite Aspen-like about the tree, at least when seen from a distance.”

Having only one leg makes the starling seem to belong more to the ground.

Sunlight broke through and flared over the dashboard just as the speedometer hit 70 m.p.h.


Mark Cunningham’s Scissors and Starfish is available from Right Hand Pointing Books. 71 Leaves, an e-book from BlazeVOX, is free to anyone curious enough to Google it.