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Howie Good

Howie Good “Zen Cone”

Howie Good Zen Cone Giant radio telescopes restlessly scan the cosmos, but I’m in no rush, living someplace so Zen it doesn’t have a doctor or a police department or even anyone on standby to plow the roads in winter or fix the potholes in spring, only worn-down mountains and gray trees and the sad […]

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Howie Good “Art for Art’s Sake”

Howie Good Art for Art’s Sake When Henri Matisse was an old man, too feeble to handle a paintbrush any longer or even get himself out of bed, he rubbed some charcoal on the end of a pointer stick and drew on the ceiling – it had just seemed so chillingly empty. Howie Good likes […]

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Howie Good “Love Note / Anniversary Edition”

Howie Good Love Note / Anniversary Edition Yes, because there is space junk falling uncontrolled toward Earth, and poseurs occupying roles that rightfully belong to love-drunk poets, this is not the worst place for us to possibly hide, a country overlooked on the Discovery Channel but crammed to its very borders with kindergartens and prayer […]

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Howie Good “Deadheading”

Howie Good Deadheading Every morning and again most evenings I deadhead my flowers, using thumb and index finger as pincers to remove spent blossoms one by one, some scratched and dented like a student trumpet and some flat like a paper star, but others more like a poet confined in a madhouse, petals curled inward, […]

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Howie Good “Turning Japanese”

Howie Good Turning Japanese We were born into an idiotic age, given only clichés to speak growing up, warned not to change the words around or otherwise stray from the script, and we meekly obeyed, but today a bird in the pine outside our window piped a string of discordant notes once, twice, three times, […]

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Howie Good “Notes on Punctuation”

Howie Good Notes on Punctuation Consider the period the smaller of the cannonballs Galileo dropped from the Tower of Pisa; the comma, the lolling tongue of a dog; the colon, the top two buttons left unbuttoned on her filmy blouse; the semicolon, an open fly; the exclamation point, the one-finger salute or a bald man […]

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Howie Good “Doe-Re-Me”

Howie Good Doe-Re-Me I am writing at the kitchen table, or, rather, struggling to, when my wife excitedly calls me to the window and points down into the yard where a doe with a coat just a shade from golden is browsing on fallen leaves that if it wasn’t for the hours I spend trying […]

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Howie Good “Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun”

Howie Good Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun The sun eavesdrops at the bedroom window, a little like a detective, as we move in ways no one who has seen us in our everyday clothes would have thought possible. Howie Good‘s full-length poetry collection, Gun Metal Sky, is due in early 2021 from Thirty West […]

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