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henry 7. reneau, jr. “The Book of Hours”

henry 7. reneau, jr. The Book of Hours The sun sets on enhanced interrogation, even as it rose, exponentially, on drone strikes, like the sum of collateral damage became a euphemism, beyond our peripheral vision, & we held the shining black eye of history in our mouth, as if we imagined God in our every […]

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M. A. Istvan, Jr. “Haciendo fría”

M. A. Istvan, Jr. Haciendo fría En las épocas anteriores a la refrigeración alguien tenía que haber pensado para sentarse la sandía, las uvas— estos y otros—en la corriente, desbloquear los gustos ocultos en el frío. Making Cold In the epochs before refrigeration someone had to have thought to sit the watermelon, the grapes— these […]

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William Cullen, Jr. “Standing by Your Grave on Your Birthday”

William Cullen, Jr. Standing by Your Grave on Your Birthday How noisy birth is with the new born bawling as if it already had a foreboding of a quiet place where the grass is always cut and the leaves are always raked away so one could read its name and its birth date as clearly […]

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William Cullen, Jr.: “I Could Have Used Queequeg”

William Cullen, Jr. I Could Have Used Queequeg I put one foot forward in front of the other heel to toe and count the paces off to indicate the size of the plot I’d like to buy. The author’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in *82Review, Canary, Farming Magazine, New Verse News, The Drought […]

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William Cullen, Jr.: “The Day a Nature Journal Lost Its Grant”

William Cullen, Jr. The Day a Nature Journal Lost Its Grant A truck backfires and flurries suddenly appear as if some hunter had blasted a snowy egret out of the sky— a no-fly zone for beauty. The author’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in *82 Review, Canary, Farming Magazine, New Verse News, The Drought Anthology, and Written River: A Journal […]

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William Cullen, Jr.: “Her Burial”

William Cullen, Jr. Her  Burial The April rain that usually cleanses pelted us like we were actors performing for the dead but could not quite cross that line where the stage ended and eternity began. . William Cullen, Jr., a veteran who works at a non-profit in New York City, has had his poetry appear in Canary, Gulfstream, […]

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William Cullen, Jr. “Climatic Omen”

William Cullen, Jr. Climatic Omen Robins returning in winter instead of spring sing while it’s still dark waking me early again like they have something so important to say you’d think the world was coming to an end. William Cullen, Jr., a veteran who works at a non-profit in New York City,. has had his […]

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